Logos for the leagues of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Here you can find logos for Bosnia and Herzegovina. clubs. The package contains:
1. WWIN League of BiH
2. First League of BiH (FBIH and RS)
3. Second League of BiH (all leagues)
4. First Cantonal League and Regional League (all leagues).
Download link:
Logo installation instructions :
1. Download the selected Add-on ( Download Logo ).
2.Open the Downloads Folder on your computer and open the Bosnia and Herzegovina folder and extract it to the following location:
\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2024\graphics\logo\
3. Start Football Manager 2024 and look for the Preferences option.
4. Click on the Preferences tab and then on Advanced , and then select Interface .
5. When you open the Interface , click on Skin and then do the following:
Uncheck the option "Use caching to decrease page loading times"
Check the box next to the option “Reload skin when confirming changes in Preferences”
6.After loading the skin, the installed logs will be available in the game.
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