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All leagues of BiH 2025/2026

Here you can find all the leagues of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the 2025/2026 season created by ESA LUCIO. The package can be played on FM 24 and contains the WWIN league with a new format of 10 clubs, VAR, transfers from the winter transfer window, premiums after the end of the season, rules about EU players and ex-Yu players, then other leagues from the First League of BiH to the Municipal League (6 levels), hundreds of new talents that are not on the original version, thousands of new players in lower leagues, thousands of transfers and about 300 new clubs that are not on FM 24. Very interesting work and recommend to anyone who likes to play with their local clubs.

Download link:

Installation instructions:




1. Download the selected file ( DOWNLOAD BiH 2025 ).


2. Open the Downloads Folder on your computer and open the All leagues of BiH 2025 FMB folder and unzip it to the following location:


Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2024/editor data


3. On the initial menu within the Football Manager 2024 game, select Start a New Game , then select Career

4. After the new menu is displayed, click on the Database option in the upper right corner

5. In Database, select the installed All leagues of BiH 2025 FMB add-on

6. Click Advanced Setup in the lower right corner

7. Click on Add/Remove Leagues and select Bosnia and Herzegovina

8. Click on Start Game and start the game.





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